Sell with Confidence
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What sellers can do NOW for best results later

NOW is the time to ramp up your homework for hitting the market in early 2024.

Historically, markets would wind down around November before firing up again after Australia day, yet all that changed when COVID-19 arrived on the scene.

We went from enjoying lazy beach vacations over a well-earned Christmas/New Year break, to scoffing down a prawn and ripping open presents while pressing the button to launch properties on January 1.

Pandemic lockdowns had us all pinned close to home so that traditional “rest” period was cut short. While this has relaxed slightly, keep in mind the market is still firing up fairly quickly after the last chords of Auld Lang Syne fade out.

I will personally ramp up my sales campaigns again around January 15 to capture the remaining interstate visitor volume, and the bulk of the local population returning home to prepare for the start of the school/work year.

If you are even remotely considering listing your property in the first half of 2024, here’s what you should be doing now;

  • Talk to agents to learn what improvements are needed across your property before the end of 2023
  • Find an agent with a list of reputable tradespeople (as good tradies can be difficult to secure)
  • Study agents’ annual results, social media content and REA/Domain profiles
  • Opt to trust in quality over low commision/cheap marketing
  • Align with an agent who can justify the sale price, and has a strategy in place to gain the best possible result

And throughout all of this, remember the rule of 7Ps:

“Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Property Performance”…or something like that.

I hope you enjoy the read.

Matt Lancashire