Sell with Confidence
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By Ashleigh Leavitt

Waking up in spring, busting to buy a property by Christmas, is like

waking up on Christmas morning excited to open a present.

You’re pumped, your expectations are high and you can’t wait to see what

you’re going to get.

That excitement then transfers to what’s ‘under the tree’?

For buyers it’s all about, what’s available?

Wanting to buy a property is the easy part but that property being

available, that’s the hard part.

Fortunately this year, buyers have been given the gift of ‘fresh listings’.

This week alone our group at Ray White Collective had more than 20 pages

in The Courier Mail.

Our largest display in the paper for over five years.

To see a wave of properties hit the market is the work of many agents and

property owners.

They have watched the property market this year and decided that spring

was when they wanted to sell.

Buyers, I find, are less specific with seasonal buying.

They work more to deadlines. I want to be in by Christmas, before the

school year or some other marker.

It is highly predicted that interest rates will fall over the next 12 months.

While that has been incorrectly predicted many times, there is a feeling

that we have passed the peak of the interest rate mountain and we’re

coming down the other side.

That means repayments will be lowering over the coming years so now

seems like a sound time to buy.

With all these forces working together the next six weeks are shaping up

to be the most interesting chapter of 2024.

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