Sell with Confidence
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When is the best time to sell?

By Matt Lancashire

One of the questions I’m asked most is, when is the best time to sell? I receive that question, in some form, on almost a daily basis. Is November/December too late to list? If I sell my home in January, is that too early? 

What I’ve learnt in my time of doing the hard yards is that real estate is a “today business” based on supply and demand. For example, if heading into spring there’s plenty of competition on the market, buyers will have greater choice which negatively impacts on the potential sale price. If however you’re selling in a market with no competing stock and a high volume of buyers then it’s going to be a great time to list. 

So how do you know when market conditions are right to pull the trigger? Speak to real estate agents, trawl and Domain, and look at traditional media including the Saturday newspaper. In my professional opinion, the market remains undersupplied. Our enquiry volume this financial year has increased 30 per cent on the last. 

If you’re considering placing your property on the market before Christmas, be reassured that a fatigued buyer is often underestimated. Those buyers who’ve missed out all year and are determined to secure a property to know where they’ll be at the start of 2025. This time of year is also a boon for buyers relocating from interstate or overseas in January/February who are keen to lock a property down before moving. 

Finally, if your home isn’t ready for sale just yet then my advice is to take action now and do the hard yakka before the year’s out. Interview your preferred agent or agents, and get everything in line so that once you make that decision to list you’re ready to roll. Don’t forget, deals can and are done over the Christmas break. 

I hope you enjoyed the read. 

Matt Lancashire

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